Wednesday, May 13, 2020


With all the talk about beef prices what would you do if you were given a BIG beef?  Just one catch, You process!

Sadly neighbor was branding today and some freak accident a 2 yesr old heifer hung a back foot some how and broke it just above the ankle.  No real hope of it healing. It was nasty.  Instead of just putting her down he ask son if he wanted her. So they loaded her in his trailer shot her and brought her home.  To make this even funnier he was on his way home from taking a beef to be processed. He just swung by and picked this one up.  We started processing about 6:20. It’s almost 9 and they are hanging meat in the refrigerator. She is gutted, skinned, and cut into manageable pieces.  It was a family affair. With lots of science, biology, meat cutting and laughing tossed in to make it enjoyable.  We had two meat cutters and everyone has helped process deer. Pictures follow. Remember it is the reality of processing a beef.  

Thank goodness we have a backhoe!  It made the whole job easier.
Lots of discussion on what was being done and why and how.  Kids were very I combed from about 5 years old and up.
Younger kids watched a bit but soon lost interest.
Biology discussion with all kids as they examined the organs.

Blog only allows so many pictures so round two coming up. 

1 comment:

  1. There isn't anything you cannot do in a pretty dress!
