Monday, March 23, 2020

Monday means laundry at my house.  Last load is in the dryer.  I do need to make laundry soap.  I don’t think I have enough for next Monday.  I have everything but Oxyclean.  I only have enough for one more mixing. Oh well hopefully life so crazy will end before then.  Ordering and shipping ingredients makes it not economical to do.  I would hate to break down and buy real laundry soap!   

Started moving my jungle today. I hav two windows full of plants upstairs. For some reason the ones in one window weren’t doing well. They were looking sad.  So instead of watering I took them outside. Then watered, washed and fertilized. 

From this ...
To this...
Usually I’m sad to see empty windows.  This spring I’m very ready.  It’s early and I will probably have to cover them a time or two but maybe they won’t die!

Moving plants leaves a huge mess!  This is my floor under the window.

How do we move them?   With my dumb waiter!  It’s not fancy. Maybe a bit redneck but it works great!

I planted more tomatoes.  Three bite size kinds. I added three spinach containers to my overstuffed greenhouse.  I poked holes in the bottom added potting soil and carefully dumped a package of seeds in each.  Then stirred them around a bit and watered well.  We will see how well they come up.  I did save the packages at the end of each container to see what kind. For me that’s a plus.  Here are a few pictures from the greenhouse today.  I did a video but have to figure out how to load on YouTube to share.  Enjoy! fig is from a cutting a friend gave me.  The original fig bush I ate figs off of as a child!   I have three. One I planted outside. Hopefully it will come back in the spring. Two still in the greenhouse. friend gave me wisteria cuttings a few weeks ago. Many of them are showing signs of life.  Doesn’t mean they have roots.  Time will tell. tree. I am not sure how many I have now,  15 maybe.  I learned the trick to starting them is plant and keep watered and forget it.  Planting in a pot with another plant is helpful. That way it gets watered. They are slow to sprout. milkweed.  I’m hopefully of getting seeds to share and for me to start another pot or three.  They don’t survive the winter outside but do great in the summer and the monarchs love them.  I usually have catapillers in the fall that strip every leaf.
  That’s probably enough rambling for one day. Take a minute and write something back for me to enjoy. 

Season of Realignment
As I tried to decided what to title this post in our crazy upturned world I decided realignment best sums it up.  It is full of unknowns and scary.   I choose to think of it as a time for people to realign, realign priorities, realign how we do our days, realign how we help others.   This looks different for each of us.
Some of my realigning has been to remove me from Facebook most of the time.  I have removed it from my phone. It’s only on my iPad. I usually use my iPad before daylight and after my day is done. So those are the times I now check fb. I read my notifications, one group and usually scroll until my heart starts growing heavy or I get disgusted.  So not to long.  What I do miss is second coffee rambles on my favorite group and sharing photos throughout the day.
I decided instead of a second coffee ramble of a morning on fb I will blog.  My goal will be to keep it real but positive.  I don’t do doom and gloom. I think it’s toxic and dangerous.
I realize I’m highly blessed to be comfortable at home.   It’s my favorite place to be anyway.   Because I grew up poor and a long ways from a grocery store then have carried on the long ways to the store I make do better than many.   I did go to town Saturday (first time In 2 1/2 weeks) and stock up a bit more than normal.  At this point we could survive months without going hungry with the basics.  Beans, rice, oats as staples a case of potatoes and sweet potatoes, a case of apples and oranges from the store add our beef, milk and eggs we will do fine here.  A few years ago I bought this much monthly.  I don’t mind offering tips on making do with basics.
I will probably do a post most mornings after chores.  Maybe with a few early morning pictures.  Then do a running blog post until evening of all my normal fb post. Usually pictures of grands, plants or critters.  I may dig back in my photos to share things that make me
smile in hopes it will brighten your day if you choose to read.  Let’s spend this season of realignment helping each other.  I’m a hermit but here if I can talk to you or if you have a need.